Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pengertian Masyarakat Perkotaan

Understanding Urban Society

Urban communities is often called an urban community. Understanding of urban society more emphasis on the nature of life and life traits that are different from rural communities. There be some prominent features in the urban community are:

1. Religious life is reduced when compared with religious life in the village.

2. City people in general can take care of himself without having to depend on others. What is important here is the human individual or individuals.

3. The division of labor between town citizens are also more assertive and has real limits.

4. The possibilities for getting a job as well as more city residents obtained from the villagers.

5. The interaction occurs more frequently based on factors of importance on personal factors.

6. Time sharing a more thorough and very important, to be able to pursue individual needs.

7. Social changes with a real look at the cities, because cities are usually open to outside influences.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pengertian Kota

Pengertian Kota

Seperti halnya desa, kota juga mempunyai pengertian yang bermacam-macam seperti pendapat beberapa ahli berikut ini.

Kota adalah suatu pemilihan yang cukup besar, padat dan permanen, dihuni oleh orang-orang yang heterogen kedudukan sosialnya.

Max Weber
Kota menurutnya, apabila penghuni setempatnya dapat memenuhi sebagian besar kebutuhan ekonominya dipasar lokal.   

Dwigth Sanderson
Kota ialah tempat yang berpenduduk sepuluh ribu orang atau lebih.

Dari beberapa pendapat secara umum dapat dikatakan mempunyani ciri-ciri mendasar yang sama. Pengertian kota dapat dikenakan pada daerah atau lingkungan komunitas tertentu dengan tingkatan dalam struktur pemerintahan.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pengertian Estuari

Understanding Estuarine

Estuary is the type of waters that have high variation in terms of physical factors, chemistry, biology, ecology and habitat types that form in it. Therefore, the interaction between the physical components, chemistry and biology that make up a very complex ecosystem. This is because the dynamics of the estuary is very large, both in the short time scale because of the tides and in a long time scale due to climatic changes.

Chemical Nature of Estuarine Ecosystem
Estuarine waters are defined as having a closed semi-free relationship with the sea, where freshwater from rivers and saltwater from the sea meet. So estuary is part of the river system, usually broad river, influenced by tidal action and the dynamics and physical properties such as ocean currents, waves, salinity and others. In estuarine tidal influence is dominant compared with the flow generated by wind or waves. Therefore, the behavior is very dependent on the estuarine tidal action and river flow, which both are independent variables. In general the estuary can be divided into two types, namely:
1. Positive estuary is an estuary where fresh water entering from sangai and more rain than evaporation, so that the surface salinity is lower than the open sea. Most of the estuary that there is a positive estuary.
2. Estuarine negative, ie the evaporation is greater than the flow of rivers and rain, because it will happen a state of "excessive salt" or hypersaline.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Definisi Kurikulum

Definition of curriculum

The term curriculum is used at first in the world of sports in ancient Greece. Curriculum is derived from Greek words meaning runners and Curere Curir means a place to race. Curriculum means a distance that must be taken by the runner. Taking the meaning of the formula above, the definition of curriculum in education is the number of subjects who hrus undertaken or completed by learners to gain ijzah.

The formula or the constraints that the curriculum was first used in education. On the basis of the same limitations, most of the practitioners of education up to now no other view that the curriculum taught at several schools. Noting limitations in the curriculum, implied two main things, (1) curriculum content, which includes a number of subjects, and (2) curriculum objectives, namely to control a number of subjects, which is denoted by

Some Commentaries on Curriculum Glossary

* The curriculum includes content and subject matter.
* The curriculum as a learning plan
* The curriculum as a learning experience

Also Read: Understanding Curriculum and Understanding SBC

Pengertian Metode Demonstrasi

Understanding Method Demonstration

That the demonstration is meant by Method of teaching methods by using the demonstration to clarify an understanding or to show how the passage of a particular formation process on students.

To clarify these terms in practice can be done by the teacher or the students themselves. The demonstration method is good enough when in use in the delivery of teaching materials jurisprudence, for example bagaiamana way ablutions, prayers, bathing the dead, at the time of hajj tawaf, and others.

Also Read: Understanding Curriculum and Understanding SBC

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pengertian Akad
Covenant of Understanding

Literally, meaning the contract comes from the Arabic meaning عقد يعقد عقدا agreement or approval. This word also can mean the rope that binds because the existence of ties between people who berakad. In the book of fiqh sunnah, said the contract is defined by relations (الربط) and agreements (الاتفاق).

In the terminology of fiqh scholars, the contract can be reviewed in terms of general and specific terms. In terms of general, equal to the contract terms of the contract in terms of understanding of languages by scholars Syafi'iyah, Hanafiyah, and Hanabilah ie everything that is done by someone Based keinginananya itself as waqaf, divorce, liberation, and everything that its formation requires two people desire such buying and selling, representative, and pawn. While specific terms of jurisprudence suggested by scholars include:

• Commitments are established by agreement-based provisions qabul syara 'which affects the object.
• The connection of a greeting between people who are syara berakad 'in terms of looks and impact on the object.
• accumulation of handover or something that showed the handover is accompanied by the force of law.
• Commitments are justified syara qabul final offer 'that sets the good pleasure of both parties.
• The gathering handover between the two sides or saying someone who is influential on both sides.

Legal experts to distinguish between contract and agreement on the basis that the agreement (commitment) is more general in its use compared to the contract. Thus, more detailed usage contract term to something more important and special to what has been regulated and has a provision. While the deal terms are not necessarily so, but can be used in anything similar, misalanya to complement human activities to such an appointment that does not have a specific name or specific rules.

The agreement between the two desires in reaching the desired commitments on the future and is known to be absolutely like a sale and purchase or transfer of accounts payable. While the contract can be understood as limited in reaching an agreement. As for distinguishing between the two is skill players.

Different actors with the skill proficiency in contract commitments actors, because both have the value of each outcome. And actors are not burdened with the responsibility of the contract and the terms of agreements entered perpetrator. Thus we can conclude that the agreement or agreements entered has a wider meaning than contract.

In the execution of the contract, the desire personally (individual) is the greatest strength and fundamental in the formation of the contract and also work to limit the values generated. Power (strength) personally leaning to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals. In the execution of the contract giving (donations), in contrast to the course of the rental contract, which is similar when categorized similar activities in the implementation of the contract, but what distinguishes it is in terms of skill players. Noteworthy is that the agreement included in the contract discussions, which in this understanding, the contract must follow the discussions in private law from one side and on the other side of the contract are included in the category of financial management activities (mu'amalah al-maliyah).

But in Roman law, an agreement to implement the contract can not be accepted if only based purely personally desire without having the force of law, but must follow certain administrative forms (special).

While the definition of the contract according to Shariah scholars is the bond between the 'final offer' and 'qabul' which was held according to the provisions of Shariah law in which occurs a consequence of something that therefore the contract is held.

From the description above can be expressed bhawa Position and function as a tool of the contract is most important in whether or not legitimate muamalah and become the ultimate goal of muamalah.
Who violates the covenant of the Shari'a as to disbelieve or will commit adultery, do not have to keep. Akad-akad influenced disgrace exchange contract is an agreement-such as buying, selling and rental contract.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pengertian Getaran

Understanding Vibration

Vibration is a movement back and forth around the equilibrium. Equilibrium here means a situation where an object is at rest if no force acting on the object. Vibration has an amplitude (the distance to the midpoint of the farthest deviation) are the same.

Type of vibration
Free vibration occurs when a mechanical system begins with the early style, and then allowed to vibrate freely. Examples of such vibration is hitting a tuning fork and let it vibrate, or a pendulum is drawn from an equilibrium state and then released.

Forced vibration occurs when the force or movement back and forth applied to mechanical systems. An example is the vibration of buildings during earthquakes.

TAGS: Understanding Vibrations

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pengertian Sistem Informasi Manajemen

Definition of Management Information Systems

(Abdul Kadir 2002), explained that the management information system (MIS) is an information system that is used to present information that is used to support the operation, management, and decision making within an organization.

Some experts have given the formulation of management information systems, among others:

SIM is involves development and use of information systems effectively in organizations (Kroenke, David, 1989)

SIM is a computer-based system that provides information for some users who have similar needs. Information explaining the company or one of its main system of what has happened in the past, what is happening now and what might happen in the future. This information is available in the form of periodic reports, special reports and output from mathematical simulations. Information used by managers and other staff when they make decisions to solve problems (Mc. Leod, 1995)

SIM is a formal method that provides information yag accurate and timely information to management to facilitate decision making process and make a organization can perform the functions of planning, operation and control effectively (Stoner, 1996)

Pengertian Epidemiologi

Understanding Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the branch of science that studies about how often the disease experienced by a group of different people and find out how it happened.

This knowledge is useful as information for planning and evaluating strategies that have been conducted, providing guidelines for health workers to follow up the patient's progress.

As with the science of pathology, epidemiology branch of science that is also an integral and a description of handling characteristics. Much of the data and interpretations should be prepared so that all information can yield pengoleksian conclusions about a disease that is monitored.

A. Terminology Epidemiology:

Epidemiology comes from the Greek, namely:
Epi = related
Demos = people, local
Logos = science

So epidemiology is the study of behavior in society. []