Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pengertian Pajak

Understanding Tax

Suparman Sumawidjaya explained that taxes are mandatory in-kind contributions are withheld by the authorities based on legal norms, in order to cover the cost of producing goods and services collectively in achieving common prosperity.

Meanwhile, Ray M. Sommerfeld Herschel M. Anderson & Horace R. Brock, Tax is a transfer of resources from the private sector into the government sector, not the result of violations of law, but shall be carried out, based on the provisions that have been determined and without obtaining the benefits of direct and proportional, so the government can carry out his duties to perform government.

Also translated by Prof. Edwin R. A. Seligman in the book Essays in Taxation "Tax is compulsary contribution from the person, to the government to depray the expenses incurred in the common interest of all, without reference to special benefits conferred." Understanding Tax somebody here that showed the contribution to the State without any benefits that specifically shown to someone. However, like any case that the tax was intended benefits to the community.

While Mr. Dr. NJ. Feldmann in the book De Van Over heidsmiddelen Indonesia (translation), says that the tax is imposed unilaterally by the presentation and payable to the entrepreneur (according to the stipulation of norms in general) without any contra, and solely used to cover general expenses .

Understanding Taxes - an achievement which has accrued to the government through general norms and which can dipaksakannya.tanpa the contra which can be given in terms of individual, intended to finance government spending (Prof. MJH. Smeets in the book De Economische betekenis belastingen).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pengertian Data

Understanding Data

From wikipedia Indonesian dijelsakan notes that the data is a collection of facts. Data is the plural of datum, which comes from the Latin word meaning "something given".

In addition, the data also can be interpreted one of the main things that were examined in ICT issues. Use and utilization of data already covers many aspects. The data illustrates a representation of fact which are arranged in a structured. Data can also represent an object as suggested by Henry and Munir (2006: 1) that "Data is a value that represents a description of an object or event (event)."

Data can also be defined as a description of something.

Understanding this data is taken from various sources, may be useful. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pengertian Agama

Understanding Data

From wikipedia Indonesian dijelsakan notes that the data is a collection of facts. Data is the plural of datum, which comes from the Latin word meaning "something given".

In addition, the data also can be interpreted one of the main things that were examined in ICT issues. Use and utilization of data already covers many aspects. The data illustrates a representation of fact which are arranged in a structured. Data can also represent an object as suggested by Henry and Munir (2006: 1) that "Data is a value that represents a description of an object or event (event)."

Data can also be defined as a description of something.

Understanding this data is taken from various sources, may be useful. Thank you.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pengertian Kewirausahaan

Understanding Data

From wikipedia Indonesian dijelsakan notes that the data is a collection of facts. Data is the plural of datum, which comes from the Latin word meaning "something given".

In addition, the data also can be interpreted one of the main things that were examined in ICT issues. Use and utilization of data already covers many aspects. The data illustrates a representation of fact which are arranged in a structured. Data can also represent an object as suggested by Henry and Munir (2006: 1) that "Data is a value that represents a description of an object or event (event)."

Data can also be defined as a description of something.

Understanding this data is taken from various sources, may be useful. Thank you.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pengertian Efektivitas dan efisiensi

Understanding Effectiveness and efficiency

The effectiveness of the achievement of objectives in an appropriate merupakam or selecting appropriate goals of a series of alternative or choice of ways and the choice of several options. Effectiveness can also be interpreted as a measure of success in achieving the goals that have been determined. For example, if a task can be completed with elections in ways that have been determined, the way it is right or effective.

While efficiency is a minimum use of resources in order to achieve optimum results. Efficiency assumes that the true objectives have been determined and trying to find ways to best achieve these goals. Efficiency can only be evaluated with relative judgments, comparing the input and output are acceptable. For example to complete a task, how to take one hour of A is the way B takes two hours, then a more efficient way than the way B. In other words, these tasks can be completed using the correct way or efficiency.

Effectiveness is doing the right task, while efficiency is to do the job properly. Effective solution is not necessarily efficient and vice versa. Which could effectively require a very large resource efficient while perhaps take a long time. So that as much as possible the effectiveness and efficiency could achieve the optimum level for both.

Pengertian Puasa

Understanding Fasting

In Lent, or fasting Islam means to refrain from eating and drinking as well as any acts which could cancel the fast, from sunset hinggalah dawn, to increase the devotion to the Almighty GOD.

Fasting is one of the five Pillars of Islam. There are obligatory fasting and fasting Sunnah, but how remains the same.

Fasting command from GOD contained in the Quran in surah Al-Baqarah verse 183.

"Yaa ayyuhaladziina aamanuu kutiba alaikumus siyaamu kamaa kutiba 'alalladziina min qablikum He allakum tataquun"

"O those who believe, have been obliged to fast for you as have been required to top the nations which were before you, you may become pious people."

Fasting is a desire to resist the urge, the desire to run a desire GOD contained in the Quraan. so it is more optimal in conducting worship.

Fasting can also mean keeping the jobs that could void the fasting such as eating, drinking and having sex on throughout the day (from dawn until sundown. Fasting obligatory upon a Muslim who Baligh, intelligent, clean from haidl and parturition, with the intention sincere solely because God ta'aala.

Definition of fasting were taken from various sources. Hope can be useful, Thank you.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Reading Definition

Reading Definition

Reading is one of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) is Important to be learned and mastered by Every individual. By reading, one Can you relax, interacting with the Feelings and thoughts, obtain information, and improve the science knowledge. According to Bowman (1991: 265) reading is an appropriate means to promotes a Lifelong Learning (life-long learning). By teaching the children how to read means giving children a future These Which provides a technique to explore how "the world" Wherever he chose, and Provide the opportunity to get a goal in life.

Reading is a way to get information from something That was written. Reading involves the introduction of symbols That make up a language. Read and Hear Is the second most common way to get information. Information gleaned from reading cans include entertainment, ESPECIALLY Pls reading fiction or humor.

Reading is not an easy learning activities. Many factors affect student success in cans reading. In general, These Can Be Identified factors, Standard and Poor 'Teachers, students, environmental conditions, subject matter, and techniques to learn the lesson material.

Tags: Reading Definition, Definition of reading

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pengertian Software

Understanding Software

Software is a computer program that serves as a means of interaction between users and hardware. The software can also be said as 'translators' who executed the commands to be forwarded to the computer user or processed by the hardware.

The software is divided into three levels, namely:

* Depth of the application program (application program such as Microsoft Office),
* Depth of the operating system (eg Microsoft Windows operating system),
* Depth of programming language (which is divided again over a high-level programming languages like Pascal and low level programming language is assembly language)

Software also represents the entire data processing components that can help solve problems outside of the hardware (hardware) which include system design, programming and procedures.

Software is the collection of computer programs and related data That Provide the instructions telling a computer what to do. The term was coined to contrast to the old terms of hardware (meaning physical devices). In contrast to hardware, software is intangible, meaning it "Can not be touched." Software Is Also Sometimes Used in a more narrow sense, meaning the software application only. Sometimes the term includes That data has not traditionally been associated with computers, Standard and Poor 'films, tapes and records.

Examples of computer software include:

* Application software includes end-user applications of computers Poor '
Understanding Software

Software is a computer program that serves as a means of interaction between users and hardware. The software can also be said as 'translators' who executed the commands to be forwarded to the computer user or processed by the hardware.

The software is divided into three levels, namely:
o Depth of the application program (application program such as Microsoft Office),
o Depth of the operating system (eg Microsoft Windows operating system),
o Depth of programming language (which is divided again over a high-level programming languages like Pascal and low level programming language is assembly language)

Software also represents the entire data processing components that can help solve problems outside of the hardware (hardware) which include system design, programming and procedures.

Software is the collection of computer programs and related data That Provide the instructions telling a computer what to do. The term was coined to contrast to the old terms of hardware (meaning physical devices). In contrast to hardware, software is intangible, meaning it "Can not be touched." Software Is Also Sometimes Used in a more narrow sense, meaning the software application only. Sometimes the term includes That data has not traditionally been associated with computers, Standard and Poor 'films, tapes and records.

Examples of computer software include:
o Application software includes end-user applications of computers as word processors, or Standard and Poor, and ERP software for groups of users.
o Middleware controls and co-ordinates distributed systems.
o Programming languages define the syntax and semantics of computer programs. For example, many mature Were banking applications written in the COBOL language, originally invented in 1959. Newer applications are often written in more modern programming languages.
o System software includes operating systems, Which govern computing resources. Today large applications running on remote machines Poor 'Websites Are Considered to be the system software, Because the end-user interface is Generally through a graphical user interface (GUI), Standard and Poor as a web browser.
o testware is testing software for hardware or a software package.
o Firmware is low-level software is often stored on electrically programmable memory devices. Firmware is given its name Because it is treated like the hardware and run ("Executed") by other software programs.
o Shrinkware is the older name is given to consumer Bought software, Because it was often sold in reatail stores in a shrinkwrapped box.
o Device drivers control parts of computers Poor 'disk drives, printers, CD drives, or computer monitors.
o Programming tools help conduct computing tasks in any category listed above. For programmers, Could These be the tools for debugging, or reverse engineer older legacy systems in order to check the source code compatibility.

Good understanding of software will be useful, for colleagues of all, Thank You,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pengertian Redenominasi

Understanding Redenominasi

Redenominasi term rupiah spread to the public several days ago.

As one economic terms, redenominasi can be a slippery term that may deceive the listener. Redenominasi slick implementation in many countries is often not smooth and requires a long process. There are countries that successfully implement it, but there are also countries that are still struggling with economic problems despite redenominasi applicable currency.

Redenominasi term is not an alien thing in the economy. Means the currency denomination of the reference unit for the price of a country's currency, both in units of coins or paper. Let us mention the denomination currency with the amount of USD 1000, USD 100 000, and so on.

Another term redenominasi means any mention of back or simplification of the unit price and the value of existing currency. Units of USD 1 000 are reduced to USD 1, for example. This applies to the overall prices of goods and services in the country. A loaf of bread that had cost Rp 1000, also simplified to USD 1. In this case, no one harmed from redenominasi system. The aim is also the counting efficiency in payment systems.

This is not sanering Redenominasi. This last term is the withholding of money. When sanering, the amount of money withheld, but the prices of goods and equipment. Sanering causing people's purchasing power cut. For instance we pay the amount of Rp 5 million, hit by sanering to Rp 5. While the price of a loaf of bread fixed USD 1000. That is, people's purchasing power would decrease drastically with the sanering. We are so no longer afford to buy bread. Usually, sanering done in an unhealthy economic conditions and inflation that soared out of control.

Understanding this so Redenominasi, may be useful for colleagues of all, Thank you.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pengertian Logo

Understanding Logos

The logo is a form of drawings or just sketches with a certain sense, and represent a sense of the company, regions, associations, products, countries, and other things that are considered needed something short and memorable as a substitute for actual darinama.

A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly Used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promotes instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols / icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark). An example of an abstract mark is the blue Octagon representing Chase, while an example of a representational mark is the "Everyman" icon of PBS. Examples of Well-Known logotypes (wordmarks) are the striped design of IBM, Mobil written in blue with a red "o" and Coca-Cola written in red flowing script.

In the days of hot metal typesetting, a logotype was a Uniquely Arranged set and typeface or colophon. At the level of mass communication, or Simply in the high street a company's logo today is often synonymous with its trademark or brand.

This logo is taken from Understanding site. may be beneficial for all partners. Thank you.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pengertian Reinventing Government

Understanding Reinventing Government

Words Reinventing Government (government entrepreneurship) derives from the word "entrepreneurship and government." Entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) do not just have the sense to run a business, by JB Say (1800) interpreted as a move many sources ekonomidari an area of low productivity to areas with higher productivity and greater results. In other words, an entrepreneur using resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness. Thus the government is a government entrepreneur who made a habit of acting with using resources in new ways to improve / enhance the efficiency and effectiveness.

The entrepreneurial nature of government that has 10 (ten) characteristics, which include:

1.Pemerintahan Catalyst: Directing Instead of pedaling.
Government of separating government functions as a catalyst for the steering (making policies, regulations, laws) with the function as the executor (messenger service and enforcement). Besides using different methods (contracts, vouchers, gift, tax incentives and so forth) to help public organizations reach their goal, selecting the most appropriate metodeyang to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, equality, accountability and flexibility.

2. Community Owned Government: Serving Rather than Gives Authority.
Refers to the transfer of government owned authority control into the hands of the public. Communities are empowered to be able to control the services provided by the bureaucracy. With the existence of community control, the apparatus of government (executive and legislative authorities) will have a commitment to a better and more caring and more creative in solving problems.

3. Competitive government: injecting competition Into Service Delivery.
Such governance requires that the competition between the transmitter of the service or services (public-private, private-private, public-public) to compete based on performance and price. They understood that competition is the fundamental strength to force government agencies to do repairs. Keuntungandari this competition is efficiency, responsiveness to the needs of larger customers, reward innovation and raise the spirit of self-esteem and morale.

Driven By 4.Pemerintahan The Mission: Organization Change Driven by Regulations.
Mission oriented government to deregulate the internal, remove a lot of internal rules and radically simplifying the administrative system, such as budget, personnel and procurement. Such governance requires that each government agency must have a clear misiyang, then give freedom to the managers to find the best way mission, within legal limits. The advantages of this kind of government is more efficient, effective, innovative, flexible and have higher morale.

Oriented 5.Pemerintahan Results: Funding Results Not Enter.
Pointing to a result-oriented government by changing the focus from input (adherence to rules and spend the budget according to assessment) to be accountability at the output or results. Measuring the performance of a public body, set targets, provide benefits, to the body-badanyang reaches or exceeds the target, and use the budget to disclose the expected performance level in the form of the budget.

6. Customer oriented Government: Bureaucracy Not Comply with Customer Needs.
Customer oriented government treats the people who served as a customer. Therefore, the government conducted a survey customers, set service standards, provide guarantees, and so forth. With that input, meredesain government organizations to deliver maximum value to customers. The advantages of the system of government that is customer oriented improve accountability to customers, depoliticize the decision of the selection service providers, stimulate more innovation, giving more choice to customers, the supply of waste can be reduced in accordance with demand, encouraging customers to make choices and commit, as well as creating greater justice.

7. Entrepreneurial Government: Produces Rather than Spending.
The government is trying to focus his energy not merely to pass the budget, but also make money. They asked the community served to pay; demanding return on investment. They take advantage of incentives such as enterprise funds, innovation funds to encourage the leaders to think government agencies have operational funds.

8. Anticipatory Government: Prevention Rather than curing.
Pointing to the government to think ahead, they tried to prevent the problem rather than providing services to eliminate the problem. This was done through the use of strategic planning, providing vision for the future, and various other methods to see the future.

9. Government Decentralization: From Herarki Towards Participation and
Understanding Reinventing Government

Words Reinventing Government (government entrepreneurship) derives from the word "entrepreneurship and government." Entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) do not just have the sense to run a business, by JB Say (1800) interpreted as a move many sources ekonomidari an area of low productivity to areas with higher productivity and greater results. In other words, an entrepreneur using resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness. Thus the government is a government entrepreneur who made a habit of acting with using resources in new ways to improve / enhance the efficiency and effectiveness.

The entrepreneurial nature of government that has 10 (ten) characteristics, which include:

1.Pemerintahan Catalyst: Directing Instead of pedaling.
Government of separating government functions as a catalyst for the steering (making policies, regulations, laws) with the function as the executor (messenger service and enforcement). Besides using different methods (contracts, vouchers, gift, tax incentives and so forth) to help public organizations reach their goal, selecting the most appropriate metodeyang to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, equality, accountability and flexibility.

2. Community Owned Government: Serving Rather than Gives Authority.
Refers to the transfer of government owned authority control into the hands of the public. Communities are empowered to be able to control the services provided by the bureaucracy. With the existence of community control, the apparatus of government (executive and legislative authorities) will have a commitment to a better and more caring and more creative in solving problems.

3. Competitive government: injecting competition Into Service Delivery.
Such governance requires that the competition between the transmitter of the service or services (public-private, private-private, public-public) to compete based on performance and price. They understood that competition is the fundamental strength to force government agencies to do repairs. Keuntungandari this competition is efficiency, responsiveness to the needs of larger customers, reward innovation and raise the spirit of self-esteem and morale.

Driven By 4.Pemerintahan The Mission: Organization Change Driven by Regulations.
Mission oriented government to deregulate the internal, remove a lot of internal rules and radically simplifying the administrative system, such as budget, personnel and procurement. Such governance requires that each government agency must have a clear misiyang, then give freedom to the managers to find the best way mission, within legal limits. The advantages of this kind of government is more efficient, effective, innovative, flexible and have higher morale.

Oriented 5.Pemerintahan Results: Funding Results Not Enter.
Pointing to a result-oriented government by changing the focus from input (adherence to rules and spend the budget according to assessment) to be accountability at the output or results. Measuring the performance of a public body, set targets, provide benefits, to the body-badanyang reaches or exceeds the target, and use the budget to disclose the expected performance level in the form of the budget.

6. Customer oriented Government: Bureaucracy Not Comply with Customer Needs.
Customer oriented government treats the people who served as a customer. Therefore, the government conducted a survey customers, set service standards, provide guarantees, and so forth. With that input, meredesain government organizations to deliver maximum value to customers. The advantages of the system of government that is customer oriented improve accountability to customers, depoliticize the decision of the selection service providers, stimulate more innovation, giving more choice to customers, the supply of waste can be reduced in accordance with demand, encouraging customers to make choices and commit, as well as creating greater justice.

7. Entrepreneurial Government: Produces Rather than Spending.
The government is trying to focus his energy not merely to pass the budget, but also make money. They asked the community served to pay; demanding return on investment. They take advantage of incentives such as enterprise funds, innovation funds to encourage the leaders to think government agencies have operational funds.

8. Anticipatory Government: Prevention Rather than curing.
Pointing to the government to think ahead, they tried to prevent the problem rather than providing services to eliminate the problem. This was done through the use of strategic planning, providing vision for the future, and various other methods to see the future.

9. Government Decentralization: From Herarki Towards Participation and Work Team.
Is a government that encourages the authority of the central government through the organization or system. Encourage those who perform services directly, or executor for the more daring to make a decision. The advantages of decentralization are more responsive and flexible, more effective, more innovative, and result in higher morale so that more commitment and ultimately more productive.

10. Pasars oriented government: Drives Market Through Changes.
Market oriented governance structures often utilize the private market to solve the problem instead of using administrative mechanisms, such as express services or by utilizing the command and control regulations. This kind of government financial incentives-tax incentives, by way of private organizations or community members would behave that lead to solving social problems.

According Imawan, the main principles of Reinventing Government is:
1. Steering (control, facilitate community activities)
2. Empowering (empower community members)
3. Meeting the need of the customer, not bureaucracy)
5. Prevention.

Reinventing Government Hopefully this understanding can be useful for colleagues of all, Thank you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pengertian PAKEM

Understanding PAKEM

PAKEM stands for Active Learning, Creative, effective, and fun. Active means that the learning process the teacher must create an atmosphere so that students actively asked, questioned, and suggested the idea. Learning is an active process of the learners in developing their knowledge, not a passive process which will only accept running a lecture about the knowledge of teachers.

Broadly speaking, the image of contextual learning is as follows:
1. Students engage in various activities that develop their understanding and ability with an emphasis on learning through doing.
2. Teachers use a variety of tools and inspiring ways, including using the environment as a learning resource to make learning interesting, fun, and suitable for students.
3. Teachers organize classroom by displaying books and learning materials more attractive and provides a 'reading corner'
4. Teachers taught how to apply a more cooperative and interactive, including how to study groups.
5. Teachers encourage students to find their own way in solving a problem, to express his ideas, and melibatkam students in creating their school environment.

Hopefully, this understanding can bermanfaaat PAKEM for colleagues who are looking for your understanding, Thank you.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pengertian desa

Understanding village

What is meant by the village according to Sutardjo Kartodikusuma argued as follows: Village is a legal entity in which resides a community of government itself.

According Bintaro, the village is a manifestation or goegrafi unity, social, economic, political and culture have placed it (a region), in the relationship and mutual influence with other regions.

Medium according to Paul H. Landis: pendudunya Village is less than 2500 inhabitants. With characteristic features as follows:
a) have a social life that know one another among thousands of lives.
b) There are ties of the same feelings about the eagerness to customs
c) How to (economic) is the most common agrarian highly influenced nature such as climate, natural conditions, natural wealth, while non-agricultural employment is to be odd.

Hopefully, this understanding can bermaanfaat Village, Thank you.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pengertian Psikolinguistik

Understanding Psycholinguistics

Psychology comes from the English language pscychology. Pscychology word comes from the Greek language (Greek), ie from the root word psyche, meaning soul, spirit, soul and logos meaning science. So, etymologically means the science of psychology of the soul.

Understanding of psychology as a science of psychology is still used when people are or are part of the philosophy, even in our literature in psychology 50s are commonly used as a synonym of psychology. Now with a variety of reasons (eg the emergence of psychological connotations that directly investigate the soul) the term mental science is not used anymore.

Shifts or changes in the understanding of the course consequential on the object of psychology itself was, of course, based on the development of the thinking of the interested persons. Bruno (Shah, 1995: in detail the proposed terms of psychology in three parts, which in principle are related. First of psychology is the study of the spirit. The psychology is the science of mental life. Third psychology is the science of knowledge about the behavior of organisms.

The first notion is the definition of the most ancient and classical (historical) associated with the philosophy of Plato (427-347 BC) and Aristotle (384-322 BC). They assume that human consciousness associated with stepping. Therefore, the study of human consciousness and mental processes are also a part of the study of the spirit.

When psychology away from philosophy as a parent and become an independent science in 1879, when William Wundt (1832-1920) founded the psychology laboratory, removed from the spirit of studies in psychology. experts, among them William James (1842-1910) so that a second opinion declared that psychology as a science of mental life.

The third notion put forward J.B. Watson (1878-1958) as a radical figure who is not satisfied with the definition, then he would define psychology as a science of behavior (behavior) of organisms. In addition, Watson itself invalidate (assuming no) the existence of spirits and mental life. The existence of spirits and the internal life of man according to Watson and his friends can not be proven because it does not exist, except in mere hayalan. Thus we can say that the psychology of behaviorism is a flow that is not science-minded souls.

To mediate the understanding that emerged earlier opinions expressed by other experts, including the Crow & Crow. According to psychology is the science which studies human behavior, namely, human interaction with the surrounding world (humans, animals, climate, culture, etc..

Understanding the psychology of conformity with the fact that currently exist, namely, that the psychologists generally emphasize the investigation of human behavior that is physical (pasikomotor aspect) and spiritual nature (cognitive and affective). Psychomotor behavior (intention sphere) is open, such as talking, sitting, walking, etc.., While the cognitive and affective behavior (domain copyrights and domains flavors) are closed, such as thought, conscience, feeling, etc..

Based on the above notions can be concluded that psychology is the science of human behavior, good knowledge of both obvious and invisible.
Linguistics is the study of scientific language (Kridalaksana, 1982: 99). In line with the above opinion suggests Martinet (1987: 19) argued that linguistics is the scientific study of human language.

In more detail in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (Nikelas, 1988: 10) stated Linguistics is the study of human speech including the units, the nature, structure, and modification of language 'linguistics is the study of speech humans include unit-unit, the nature of language, structure, and language changes. "

From the above opinion can be concluded that Linguistics is the science of language characteristics. Language itself is used by humans, both in speaking and writing and understood by humans either in listening or reading. Based on the understanding of psychology and linguistics at the previous description it can be concluded that psycholinguistics is the study of language behavior, good behavior or behavior that does not seem apparent.

For more details, regarding the following psycholinguistic notion put forward some definitions psycholinguistics.

Aitchison (Dardjowidojo, 2003: 7) argues that psycholinguistics is the study of language and Minda. In line with the opinions above. Field (2003: 2) suggested psycholinguistics explores the relationship Between the human mind and language 'psycholinguistic discuss the relationship between the human brain with language'. Minda or brain operates when there is language usage. Therefore, Harley (Dardjowidjojo, 2003: 7) argues that psycholinguistics is the study of mental-mental processes in language usage.

Before using the language, a language user obtained first language. In this regard, Levelt (Marat, 1983: 1) argued that psycholinguistic was a study about the use and acquisition of language by humans.
Kridalaksana (1982: 140) also believes the same as stating that psycholinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and behavior and the human intellect and language skills can be obtained.

In the process of speaking a process of understanding and producing utterances, in the form sentences. Therefore, Emmon Bach (Tarigan, 1985: 3) argued that psycholinguistic is a science that investigates how the actual speakers / users of language shape / build sentences of that language.

In line with the above opinion Slobin (Chaer, 2003: 5) argued that psycholinguistic try to describe psychological processes that take place when someone say the sentences he had heard at the time of communication and how humans acquired language skills. In detail Chaer (2003: 6) argue that psycholinguistic tried to explain the nature of language structure, and how that structure is obtained, used at the time of speaking, and at the time to understand the sentences in pertuturan it.

Essentially in a process of communication activities to produce and understand speech. In this regard, Garnham (Musfiroh, 2002: 1) suggested Psycholinguistics is the study of a mental Mechanisms That nake it possible for people to use language. It is a scientific discipline Whose goal is a coherent theory of the way in Which language is understood and Produce 'Psycholinguistics is the study of mental mechanisms that occur in people who use language, both at the time to produce or understand utterances'.

Hopefully, this understanding can be useful Psycholinguistics, Thank you.